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Rumors from the Tavern

  • Drop a succubus hair into Mileth Altar and you will find yourself among beautiful pillars and flowers all around. Follow the path and enter the Temple of Light in order to improve your health and/or mana with your experience.
    HP: BaseHP × 500 = exp needed
    (50hp each meditation)
    MP: BaseMP × 500 = exp needed
    (25mp each meditation)

  • The amount of health and mana you gain each level depends on your con and wis, respectively: 
    HP gain: 5 × con × .65
    MP gain: 5 × wis × .45
    For Job/Ability levels:
    HP gain: 5 x con x 1.23
    MP gain: 5 x wis x .9

    RECENT UPDATE: The max hp/mp gain will be 300 each level up. This happens around 93con and 134wis. For Job/Ability levels, max hp/mp gain will be 1,000 each level. This should happen around 163con and 223wis.

  • Mileth Altar has a chance to gift you a weapon depending on your level. Quality will be from uncommon-forsaken. Luck will also increase your chances. Check weapons for a list.

  • Undine Altar has a chance to gift you accessories such as shields and belts. A list will be updated soon!

  • Visit any town inn to gain citizenship there. Recall will take you to the inn of your nation or to Pravat Cave if you are in exile. Recall can be learned from Zar in Undine.

  • There are 2 dojos where you can hang out just to improve your skills/spells! 
    Mileth Training Center: (17,84) You can use sleep hunter here or talk to Kousai to improve all your skills for 100k or 3 spells for 200k. There are 2 different rooms for sleephunter. The one upstairs is much bigger and is for lvl 75+ (I believe).
    Tagor Training Hall: (28, 76) Talk to Voluspa and he will give you an option to train all your skills for 100k or 3 spells for 200k. 
    Both dojo's automated training will give you unlimited time and the server will automatically use your skills or spells on a dummy once you have paid. You cannot move, or your skills/spells will stop. If for some reason you do, walk towards the opening in the fence to be brought back to the mundane again.

  • World Shout: Here we use the guild chat as a way to talk to the world. "!enter
    In order to change colors in chat, use {= and any letter from a-x. Anything typed after this letter will be posted in a different color. The x is invisible

  • Hairstyle and color: To change your hairstyle or hair color, all you have to do is talk to the NPC in Mileth Barber (31,83) or Abel Barber (13,8). They both charge 5k gold for a new style and 20k gold for color. You will be able to see what it looks like on you and change your mind without being charged! NEW: Bottled Hair Dyes! Be sure to check it out.


  • Realign your Chi: Seshbab is now allowing Aislings to reallocate stats! You will keep your racials stats.
    Stat Reallocation above 400:
    500 + (current lvl - 250) = points received

  • Improving damaged gear: Callum in Mileth Tavern knows a way to improve damaged gear and detail it up to uncommon. Ameen in Undine Tavern can upgrade to Rare!

  • Afflictions: Once you start hunting in level 250+ areas, you will be in danger of being hit with an affliction. Some of these can be deadly! Be sure to remove them as soon as possible in the sanctum pool in the Temple of Light. Save up those succubus hairs!
    You can also remove afflictions with remedy BUT this will take a lot of mana. (More info on afflictions to come)

  • Got beef with another Aisling? Take it to a PVP map! We all know about the arena, but there are 2 maps in Abel and one in Mileth. 
    Abel PVP: Abel coast. To be revived from ghost form, please enter the hut at (8,29).
    Abel Black Market. To be revived, talk to Yves.
    Mileth PVP: Wayside Park->Wayside Arena (1,22). To be revived, talk to Pit Master.


  • Visit any inn to renounce citizenship and pick where you would like to become a citizen. Get the spell Recall to return to the inn. (Once every hour) If you choose to renounce citizenship, you will be in Exile. Your recall takes you to Pravat Cave.

  • Try "resting" on a bed to recover your wounds.

  • "Drinking" from the water barrels in Mileth dojo can replenish your mana.

  • Throw gold in the bank and watch it grow.

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