Quests give the lore of the land. The history of you and I can be uncovered. Reputation will be claimed when you complete them. Underlined quests have a separate story page. If you need help, reach out on Discord general chat or in game through world shout. You can always message me directly (Discord and ign: May). Happy Questing!
Level 20-40 Quests
Level 41-70 Quests
Level 71-99 Quests
Level 100+ Quests
Level 1-19 Quests
Master+ Quests
A Nights Rest - Let Camille in Mileth Inn know how your stay was. +1 Mileth reputation
Meaded Problems - Pete next to Mileth Inn might need some help with the mice. +1 Mileth reputation
A Warrior's Trial - lvl 3+ (Defender or Berserker only) Neal's Kill Quest with a skill reward of Aid for Berserker or Rescue for Defender.
Mischievous Deeds - lvl 6+ (Assassin only) Keela's Kill Quest
Darker Things - lvl 23+ Dar's Requests for ingredients continue +1 Mileth reputation
Lost Spirit - lvl 30+ Santa has lost the Christmas Spirit! Reward: Dia Aite and Santa's Pileus
Vixen's Scheme - lvl 30+ Santa's elves need help with these reindeer! Reward: Santa's Beard
Things that go bump in the Twilight - lvl 34+ One last ingredient to help Dar +1 Mileth Reputation
Hidden Paths - lvl 30+ (Assassin only) Keela needs you to find the hidden store in Abel and bring back some notes. Reward: Sneak Skill
What the Farquat? - Lvl 41+ Shreek will not let anyone enter Mehadi Swamp. But maybe Donkan can help you befriend him!
Advanced training - lvl 50+ (Defender or Berserker only) Neal's kill quest Reward: skill Lullaby Strike for Berserker or Raise Threat for Defender.
Detrimental Exploits - lvl 71+ (Assassin only) Keela's kill quest Reward: skill Shadow Step
Turbulent Combat - lvl 80+ (Defender or Berserker only) Neal's kill quest Reward: skill Desolate for Berserker or Defensive Stance for Defender.
Warrior's Discipline - (all classes can complete) Lau's kill quest. Reward: skill Retribution for Berserker or Vampiric Slash for Defender. All other classes will just get the EXP and legend mark. Lau is located in Abel.
Yule Revenge - lvl 290+ The Yeti is up to no good! Stop him then talk to Salena!
Hoist the Colors - lvl 220+ Isaias will now ask you to collect items to make something useful for you!
A Day at Sea - lvl 190+ Found an interesting drop from a pirate? Bring it to Isaias in Rionnag Harbor to start the quests.
Eternal Love - lvl 30+ Eireann has a friend who lost their lover. +1 Mileth, Undine, and Loures reputation
Dark Things - Dar requests you bring him strange ingredients.
Draconic Omega- lvl 400+ Talk to Ethos Prime in Voidsphere Camp about Omega's vibrational pull.
Void Cleric- lvl 400+ Talk to Helnnis about cleansing the Cthonic Depths of this creature! +1 Adventures Guild reputation
Adventures Guild quests - Hellnis is located at Adventurer's Advanced Camp (CR31)
Kill quests +1 Adventures Guild reputation for each
Gathering quests +1 Adventures Guild reputation for each
Ancient Armor Codex - Once you get a hold of the Ancient Armor Codex, be sure to talk to Tomayi in Loures Citadel to translate it. +1 Loures reputation
Crafting Rouel's Armor - lvl 475+Bring the items you were gifted from Eternal Love quest to the armorsmith in Adventurer's Guild camp to craft Rouel's Armor. The armor you craft will be based on your second class (an arc/cleric would only get the cleric armor). +1 Loures Reputation