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Blog Posts (8)

  • The Atlantean Pull

    Updates to Zolian since last update: Did we truly stumble upon Atlantis? Our fellow Merfolk have opened up their home to us, inviting us into their underwater city. If you are not Merfolk, please bring your scuba gear you receive from Isaias. Inside of Atlantis is a strange portal I can't really describe. This will take you to a giant mix of land with a weird combination of creatures you must kill. These guys don't go down easy though. Be aware, while on this map you may come in contact with friendly fire, or maybe it wasn't friendly at all? Who will be the first to release and defeat a boss on these rifts? Banks are now allowing all of your banked gear to be pawned. Any quality of common and below will be pawned, but at a lower price than if you were to sell at a vendor. If you fill up your inventory during hunts, you can deposit anything you want to sell into you bank (2nd slot before the last). When the hunt is over, don't forget to visit the bank and ask to pawn! The yeti in the caverns of Mount Merry has become stronger, and holds onto a new treasure: a mount for a sleigh ride. Speedy travel without a feather. Sounds fun! The Christmas Tree at the North Pole now sells gift boxes! For all those special occasions and your loved ones. Oren ruins in Nobis has EXPANDED. Three new areas have been discovered in this deadly maze with new mobs and more gear drops. See Blackbeard in Nobis Village for a way to find buried treasure! Speaking of Nobis, Vivi has joined us and will now allow clerics or arcanus to expand their expertise of the elements and curses. We are now able to harness the exceptional spells we have seen the mobs use. Vivi can even teach you the most powerful curses, including decay. Speak with Vivi to become an Oracle! With the expansion of Nobis and the emergence of rifts, a ton of new gear have been discovered! Gear for up to job level 190-301 are now accessible. Much of the new gear require you to have a job before you can equip it. Updates to my site since last update: Nobis ruins hunting page has been updated with location, new mobs, maps, and drops. Gear-Accessories has been updated to add new earrings, gaunts, boots, bracers, greaves, belts, and necklaces. Gear-Armor peasant section updated to add Sleigh Mount Oracle Page has been added to Classes/jobs page. Pirate quests page have been added to cover "A Day at Sea" and "Hoist the Colors" quests for obtaining Scuba Gear. Rifts page has been added to hunting page. ORACLE IS NOW AVAILBLE! To find Vivi, search Nobis Village. Or I have the coordinates to his building on the Nobis Ruins hunting page. Rifts have been hard! There are a lot of mobs to get through. High exp/ap and very nice quality drops! No one has made it through an entire rift yet! So I don't know what kind off boss is at the end :) The Rift page will show you how to get to the Rift and explains some things I have discovered so far. If anyone has any other advice or facts about the rifts, let me know so I can add! As always, let me know about any errors or things you would like added to the site. Happy hunting!

  • A Black Friday Event

    Updates to Zolian since last post: For a limited time: There is a mundane selling goods during our black Friday! He will only be here for the weekend so make sure you RUN to Mileth bridge near the bank to buy, buy, BUY. The items will stay on your Aislings even after Seojun leaves. Items Seojun sells: Snow Poodle Holiday Chickies Whole Holiday Turkey: Revive Aisling infront of you (cannot be thrown), full HP/MP, and casts Dia Aite on self Hamper of Treats: Full HP/MP and casts Ard Fas Nadur on self. Holiday Sake: Casts Ao Sith on self Chicken Backpack Thanks to all the Aislings here, mundanes feel much safer to roam the villages more freely. You will see and hear from them often! This has also opened up a special opportunity for those dungeon shops to set up at a good spot. There is even one already set up past Suomi. They are at the entrance to a forest that is currently being explored and not open to us. There is also a vendor selling the famous Dragon Scale Sword! See if you can find all of the shops, especially in your favorite village. They are selling a few new goods for masters! Mundanes aren't the only ones feeling safe to roam. Goblins are building up their gacha dungeon! Gobleregan is open for visitors to get a sneak peak of what's to come. So far, only one vendor has set up shop. But hold on to that gold, these goblins and prepping for you to dump that gold in their hands for the best loot you could dream of! See Sir Uhric in Loures to port you to the entrance of Gobleregan! Sir Uhric will also take you to Loures Harbor. They are expecting a huge ship that left a long time ago to find more land! First Mate Atayi is patiently waiting for the ship to return and bring good news. Ocerpt and Plaerpt are both setting up shop as well. Don't be shy and check it out. Show your support for the ships return! Let's hope they return successful. While on the topic of Loures, the Citadel is experiencing a bit of a...rat problem. Motphe and Segtient have reached out to me about seeing rat droppings all around the bank! They know about the rats in the sewers, but the rats never got this close to the entrance of the sewers before. They believe something is scaring the rats and making them extremely aggressive. They are smarter than little rat traps and seemed to have become much stronger than we imagined. They believe this is MORE than just a rat problem. We need to get rid of the swarm of rats and explore the sewers canal deeper. Surely, we can discover the truth beyond the rat droppings. Hopefully you can find something worthy of spending your time down there! Oh, you must be level 500+ in order to enter. It can get a little packed down there. Bring friends. Sir Grey in Loures Castle has also heard of the news of the rats. He is also suspicious of was lurks deeper. Because of this, he is ready to teach Samurais two new skills: Daisho and Iaido to help combat these swarming rats. He says there will be more skills to learn in the future! Nobis, a little village outside Oren, has been discovered. There are ruins filled with Fallen Aosda Heroes. They carry worthy weapons for every class, as heroes do... but keep in mind that they do not fall for your controlling tricks! The dwarves have been chipping away in Kasmanium and finally have created a safe mine for everyone. Miner Joe is ready to teach anyone about mining level 125+. He also will sell you a pickaxe that you will need to wear to dig. First and third floor are for copper and talos. Second floor is for gold and hybrasyl. Don't worry...these dwarves are hard at work. With the mundanes roaming villages and traveling more often, there is a rumor spreading about the location of the Assassin's Guild hideout. We are waiting for official word from the guild leader, but feel free to look out for any hints for the whereabouts. If you do happen to come across the entrance, it is best to bring a friend you trust. I am sure they don't want just ANYONE entering. Cloud and Aerith in the Temple of Light have come to the conclusion that at 1 million hp and 500k mp you will require quadruple the experience in order to meditate. They also give the option to meditate a hundred times at once! You may notice you move more feely in your armor while casting spells, regardless of class! Your job level is included with your experience level. For example: If you are level 500 and job level (ab level) 40, you are also level 540. So when hunting dungeons, make sure you are paying attention to their levels as well as yours! Some Necromancers have pushed their abilities to achieve powerful damage. Even Gigean disapproves. Corpse Burst is no longer modified by your intelligence. Instead, it will be modified by 10% of your damage (F1 panel). Mileth Special Skill Master, Keela, has decided to change the way defenders use Beag Suain Ia Gar. It is now an 85% chance to cast on mobs, but can also deal damage. Both Rescue and Aid can now remove Silence from the target in front of them. Did you also know that it will cure a target of beag suain?! Mileth's Dark Magic Master, Dar, has made an upgrade to Arcanus' Flame Thrower, Earth Shatter, Water Cannon, and Tornado Vector. The strength of these skills will be further modified by your highest elemental spell. Speaking of spells, we have seen high level monsters using new types of elemental spells. Their power has been deadly. We now call them Uas spells and are much more powerful than the Ard spells we know. Mining rates have increased! Be sure to clean your favorite dungeon to get the most ores. Or visit Kas Mines! Updates to the website since last post: Weapons page : added all Celestial weapons, Cosmic Sabre, Kalkuri, Queen's Bow, Snow Poodle, and some weapons have added locations due to new dungeon shops. Shields page : added Cathonic Shield Armor : Peasant page: Added chicken backpack, holiday chickies, nation cloaks, and slick shades. Samurai page : Added skills Hunting page : Added Nobis Ruins and Loures Sewers Canal Smithing page : Added information about Kas Mines Necromancer spells : Updated modifiers for Corpse Burst Defender and Berserker skills: Rescue, Beag Suain Ia Gar, and Aid description have been updated. Eireann's Rumors : Added vitality formula for 1million hp and 500kmp NEW PAGES: Contents page has been changed to "Begin" with a quick beginner's guide added under the links. Added a small Maps page to help anyone navigate. Includes coordinates and scroll port locations. GUILD LETTERS: Adventurer's Guild and Assassin's Guild letters have been added to give more info on each guild. Each will continue to update with any changes. And last, but not least, new Memories obtained. Please check out the new pictures of the new content! If there is anything you do first, I recommend checking out Seojun in Mileth village. He stands next to the bridge near Keela and the bank. (53,8) You can stock up on any items before he leaves! The new cloaks are beautiful and can be found at dungeon shops. There are a few that are a bit tricky to find. Loures vendor is ....surrounded by goblins. The one for Evermore and Rionnag will be found when you find the Assassin's Guild hideout. If you still need help, give a world shout! I made a few new memories with all the additions, but if there are any memories you would like to share let me know! I can post them and credit you of course! The guild letters were added to add a bit of background on each guild. Eventually, will add quest rep and anything else special, like Carn for example. Nobis is a HUGE hit with all the new weapons! You can check it out around level 450! Loures Sewers Canal is...deadly. You have to be level 500 to enter, but the mobs levels start at 600. The "Begin" page is mostly for those who first start out in Zolian, but please check it out as it could help you navigate Zolian. A lot of this can also be found in the red Zolian Guide Book in game. I keep one in my inventory on each character 'cause you never know. This page is meant to compliment that book and explain some things a bit more, even interface. Even if you have played retail before, this is a good page to start on to find differences among retail and other private servers. As always, let me know if there is anything you want to see added or find any errors! I want to see those cloaks flapping in the wind! Let me pet your poodle! -May

  • The Dead Have No Mercy

    I awoke from a dream with sweat on my brow, A nightmare that stuck to reality somehow. I feel Tagor has gained even more unrest, I felt something calling so I get dressed. Tout guides me to where the ground is tilth, but past that I discover a forest of filth. Shadows chase and bloody trees roam, I take time to jot this down in my tome. A ghostly house and werewolves that howl, In the air I sense darker things on the prowl. I sat in the pew at this abandoned church, I hear a mumbling that sends me to search. Past rubble stands a lich I thought was of hearsay I realize Gigean was not here to pray. "Secrets of the dark have now been set free!" I watch in awe as he points a finger to me. "Arise arise! Buried heroes of the past your only desire now is to do what I asked. Elysium was never a place for you, Hades can't comprehend what I do! A corpse is all I need to succeed I control those that do not bleed. Join me by giving them a second chance, together we will sing for their macabre dance." The earth crumbled and moans grew loud the smell of dirt and suddenly a crowd. I fled to Loures to speak of this news The dead have no mercy, so what will you choose? Zolian news: Sleepy ol' Carn has finally risen from his slumber in Adventurer's Guild Advanced Camp. If you catch him awake he has some pricey buffs to offer. Dia Haste, experience boost x2, and experience boost x3. If you have enough guild points and gold, you could choose all 3. But ONLY if Carn is awake. Hurry before he goes back to sleep! "Till next level" experience curve has been adjusted for post 99 levels. Thanks to some hoarder, the banks have made an adjustment. Everything that is bundled (enemy, flowers, gems, etc.) will now be in a separate option from single items. You'll see next time you visit your closest bank! Poor Tagor is surrounded by terrible dungeons. Filth Forest has been discovered and is now open to any adventurer lvl 250+. Two shiny new rings and a comfy cloak have been discovered in Filth Forest. Better get that cloak in preparation for cold weather! GIGEAN HAS BEEN DISCOVERED! He has been experimenting on the dead! Now he believes the dark art of Necromancy should be learned by any caster. Found deep in Filth Forest, he can convert you to a Necromancer and teach your many EXCITING spells. Let the undead do the killing! Dennis in Voidsphere Camp has ranged attacks and spells to teach Sharpshooters ! After a long meditation, Nareth in Druid Circle is ready to teach his Shaolin Monk students about the snake, crane, tiger, and dragon. The debuff Blind will no longer halt movement on mobs. It will reduce their hit chance by 25%. Updates to site: Many changes to jobs with added skills/spells. Rings added Hallowed Cloak added Eireann's rumors updated for Carn. Filth Forest added to hunting page . Added starting levels for areas on the hunting page . The time has come for jobs! There are 3 so far with skills and spells. And they are VERY impressive and very strong. So much more to come so keep an eye out. I am so glad to see so many people back on Zolian! Remember, once you get access to the Advanced Camp in CR, complete some quests for Helnnis and save up some gold, you will be able to cast nice buffs on your group. Everyone MUST be on the map with Carn and grouped with whoever buys the buffs to receive them. You may also be able to catch a sweet exp boost from Death! You never know. Filth forest is a hunting area for those starting at 250 and also leads to Gigean. There is a special map where the ghosts are 500. Those drop a special ring you might like after picking a job. Please let me know if you see any errors on the site or have any questions. Feel free to reach out in game. I am mostly on May or Emerald currently. Or you can world shout using "!enter to reach out to anyone logged in! -There is also a Hallow's Treat game happening on Zolian Discord. Claim a box for some candy!! I'LL SEE YOU AROUND! Don't let the shadows catch up! HAPPY 4th BIRTHDAY ZOLIAN!!! (October 22) HAPPY HALLOWEEN! P.S I hope you enjoy the button gifs I made for Necromancer, Sharpshooter, and Shaolin Monk on the classes/jobs page. You might even recognize one in game! More to come.

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Other Pages (56)

  • Tagor Dungeon | May's Site

    Tagor Dungeon Necropolis Necropolis will be a place you have to travel through at least twice: Once for Artur's Gift and once for Lau's Discipline. To get entry, please see the quests here . Necropolis is filled with death and demons. What more could you want? The creatures here might be holding on to something you will need! Quick tips: there is an abandoned church deep in Necropolis where you can take refuge for a bit. Avoid puddles.

  • Astrid | May's Site

    Astrid South of Suomi, you will find the popular fields of Astrid. There are special monsters who may look familiar, but some looks are deceiving. Word of advice: Watch where you step! And careful wandering around the Center. If you feel some burning you should probably escape. NEW: Front Lines added to bottom of page. Astrid is best for levels 75 until around level 130 when the exp starts to drop off. Front Lines The scene of a brutal war, and the end of a hero's life. Next to Astrid, you will find the front lines, where the Great Goblin War happened and many lives were lost. A bit of goblins are roaming this field still, but you might find things from the past lying around on this field. Quest associated with this map is Eternal Love.

  • Sharpshooter | May's Site

    Sharpshooter Ethos Prime has been leading the fight against Draconic Omega in the Voidsphere with Dennis there to assist. Dennis, a traveler from Adventurer's Guild, has learned the fighting style of the many robots in that realm. After research, adjustments, and perfecting it himself, he is ready to guide others to become Spec Ops Sharpshooter. Take the skills and spells from Voidsphere throughout the land of Temuair yourself! Learn Sharpshooter Skills Spells Must see Dennis at the Voidsphere camp with the following requirements: Any mix of Assassin, Monk, Berserker, or Defender Level 450 Master Adventure's Guild Reputation-6 (check quest page for rep points )

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