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  • Cleric | May's Site

    Cleric Casting curses, giving heals, and bashing monsters down with a chain mace. Group up with a Cleric and if you are sent to Hell, your Cleric can pull you back. Clerics contain a book filled with restorative powers, buffs, debuffs, and strong attacks that would surprise you. They also have a cure for it all! Spells Skills Wrapped Jugs Spells Skills Blink can be learned from Dennis at the VoidSphere Camp . To enter the camp, you must be level 275 and drop a Succibi Hair (black) into Mileth altar. Walk down the path and into the portal to find the camp. I have noticed Clerics carrying around these wrapped jugs with different colored gems attached to them. Seems to be some sort of elemental defense (seen on F1 panel: Secondary Defense). Only Master s of insight 155 and higher seem to carry them. I found Gilath one day in Rionnag Apothecary and bought a jug for 3.5mil gold . Upon further inspection, I discovered there is more to this jug! ( Stat adjustments : +1500HP, +3AC, +2str/+4con, +5will, +5dmg, +10regen)

  • X: Eireann's Rumors | May's Site

    Rumors from the Tavern Drop a succubus hair into Mileth Altar and you will find yourself among beautiful pillars and flowers all around. Follow the path and enter the Temple of Light in order to improve your health and/or mana with your experience. HP: BaseHP × 500 = exp needed (50hp each meditation) MP: BaseMP × 500 = exp needed (25mp each meditation) ​ The amount of health and mana you gain each level depends on your con and wis, respectively: HP gain: 5 × con × .65 MP gain: 5 × wis × .45 For Job/Ability levels: HP gain: 5 x con x 1.23 MP gain: 5 x wis x .9 RECENT UPDATE: T he max hp/mp gain will be 300 each level up. This happens around 93con and 134wis. For Job/Ability levels, max hp/mp gain will be 1,000 each level. This should happen around 163con and 223wis. Mileth Altar has a chance to gift you a weapon depending on your level. Quality will be from uncommon-forsaken. Luck will also increase your chances. Check weapons for a list. Undine Altar has a chance to gift you accessories such as shields and belts. A list will be updated soon! Visit any town inn to gain citizenship there. Recall will take you to the inn of your nation or to Pravat Cave if you are in exile. Recall can be learned from Zar in Undine. ​ There are 2 dojos where you can hang out just to improve your skills/spells! Mileth Training Center : (17,84) You can use sleep hunter here or talk to Kousai to improve all your skills for 100k or 3 spells for 200k. There are 2 different rooms for sleephunter. The one upstairs is much bigger and is for lvl 75+ (I believe). Tagor Training Hall : (28, 76) Talk to Voluspa and he will give you an option to train all your skills for 100k or 3 spells for 200k. Both dojo's automated training will give you unlimited time and the server will automatically use your skills or spells on a dummy once you have paid. You cannot move, or your skills/spells will stop. If for some reason you do, walk towards the opening in the fence to be brought back to the mundane again. ​ World Shout : Here we use the guild chat as a way to talk to the world. "!enter In order to change colors in chat, use {= and any letter from a-x. Anything typed after this letter will be posted in a different color. The x is invisible ​ Hairstyle and color : To change your hairstyle or hair color, all you have to do is talk to the NPC in Mileth Barber (31,83) or Abel Barber (13,8). They both charge 5k gold for a new style and 20k gold for color. You will be able to see what it looks like on you and change your mind without being charged! NEW: Bottled Hair Dyes! Be sure to check it out. Realign your Chi: Seshbab is now allowing Aislings to reallocate stats! You will keep your racials stats. Stat Reallocation above 400: 500 + (current lvl - 250) = points received ​ Improving damaged gear: Callum in Mileth Tavern knows a way to improve damaged gear and detail it up to uncommon. Ameen in Undine Tavern can upgrade to Rare! ​ Afflictions : Once you start hunting in level 250+ areas, you will be in danger of being hit with an affliction. Some of these can be deadly! Be sure to remove them as soon as possible in the sanctum pool in the Temple of Light. Save up those succubus hairs! You can also remove afflictions with remedy BUT this will take a lot of mana. (More info on afflictions to come) ​ Got beef with another Aisling? Take it to a PVP map! We all know about the arena, but there are 2 maps in Abel and one in Mileth. Abel PVP: Abel coast. To be revived from ghost form, please enter the hut at (8,29). Abel Black Market. To be revived, talk to Yves. Mileth PVP: Wayside Park->Wayside Arena (1,22). To be revived, talk to Pit Master. Visit any inn to renounce citizenship and pick where you would like to become a citizen. Get the spell Recall to return to the inn. (Once every hour) If you choose to renounce citizenship, you will be in Exile. Your recall takes you to Pravat Cave. Try "resting" on a bed to recover your wounds. "Drinking" from the water barrels in Mileth dojo can replenish your mana. Throw gold in the bank and watch it grow. ​ ​

  • II: Classes and jobs | May's Site

    Classes and Jobs Arcanus Cleric Berserker Defender Monk Assassin These classes are not what Temuair remembers. After you choose your race in the tutorial, you are then sent to choose a class. These chapters can help you learn a bit about who they are, skills, spells, and any other special things about them. Once you master, you will learn about the different jobs available. Check these pages for the requirements. Shaolin Monk Sharpshooter Samurai Dark Knight Please understand that jobs are still a work in progress . Armor, weapons, skills, and spells are not available yet (except for Multi-colored Zen Beads for Shaolin Monk). You can find which quests give reputation points on the quest page. Assassin's guild is not available yet, but I wanted to post the current requirements for Dark Knight so everyone can get an idea and farm for that DS. Also, be aware that these requirements can change.

  • Lynith Sea | May's Site

    Lynith Sea Lynith beach is full of life! Pirates on one side, sea creatures on the other. Lynith Sea is a giant bed of sea creatures and can be found on the Northern Beach of Lynith (15,9). But wait! You can't just breath underwater (unless you are Merfolk). Make sure you work those pirate quests so you can breath underwater and swim around without drowning. A big hunting ground for levels 220-290 which also contains a secret somewhere in the sand. Quests to complete for scuba gear: Hoist the colors and a Day at Sea.

  • IV: Hunting Grounds | May's Site

    The Hunt I will complete this with areas to hunt, levels of each map/floor, drops, and anything else special about that hunting ground. I would like to know everyone's opinions about how I have each hunting page set up. Should I take away anything? Add anything? Please let me know on Discord. That way I can do the rest of the pages similar. Mileth Crypt Woodlands Abel Dungeon Piet Dungeon Pravat Cave Oren North Pole Astrid Necropolis Dubhaim VoidSphere Mehadi Swamp While on a hunt, you can click on a mob to learn more about them: When you click a mob, the information will show up at the top of your screen. On the left, you will have the name, level, current HP/max HP, size of mob, AC (armor class-The higher the number, the more damage mitigation), Will (magic resistance-The higher the number, the higher the spell mitigation/reduction of effectiveness), and O:offensive element and D:defensive element. This info will also show in your orange pull down notification bar as well as system message pane (shift f). On the right, you will see just the level and offensive and defensive elements. ​ Elements : The mob's offensive and defensive element aren't always the same. For offensive (attack ) elements , you will want to choose a belt that has the best defense against it. In a lot of cases, it could just be the same exact element as the attack. In the Scorpion's case, it has an attack element of Fire, so the best belt to use would be Fire. You could also use Void if you don't have a Fire belt. Before I go on...Please understand that Void will not be the best/easiest/all-around belt choice for everything!!! Water and wind are also strong elements against void. You can get one shot from becoming dependent on void belts!!! This isn't Dark Ages... For their defensive elements , you want to use an attack that will do the most damage. This means necklaces and of course elemental spells. So our example Scorpion from above has the defensive element of Fire. We will want to use a water necklace or sal spell for the most damage. For more about elements check the element page . ​ Armor Class (AC): AC is another thing we will need to pay attention to. The higher the AC, the more damage is mitigated. In other words, you will be doing less damage each strike. In order to lower AC, you will need armor rending skills (such as titan's cleave or hurricane kick), seals or cradhs, or "of rending" weapons/offhands. Certain mobs will have a low AC and high will, therefore are best for bashers. Be aware that the same can happen to you. Mobs are able to cast cradhs and use armor rending skills on you. To raise your AC, you will want to wear the highest level of gear that you can wear, and have aite, spectral shield/defensive stance, etc. Your fully geared dex affects AC as well. Magical attacks are not affected by AC. So if you are casting elemental spells, you do not need render their armor... Will (Magic Resistance): Just like AC, the higher the Will, the higher the resistance to magic. Any attack spell (such as ard sal) or debuff spell (such as seals) will be affected by will. The defender's skill Wrath Blow is the only thing that can lower a target's will , but also raises the defender's threat. Mobs with low will are best for casters. An Aislings will can only be raised by gear. Physical attacks such as assails are not affected by Will. Crowd Control (CC) : Things such as dark chain, halt, blind, suains, and pramh are known as crowd control. All classes learn some form of CC. These will also come in handy for long ranged attacks. Not only can these stop a monster, but some will also increase the damage of the next attack. Each spell/skill is special in it's own way. Some can be broken through attacks and some are removed after a certain time. Some mobs can ao sith themselves if you cast any CC skill/spell on them. The cleric skill, Smite, is also considered a CC skill as it freezes the target. When facing a boss, do not use CC. They will ao sith causing you to go through your armor rending skills/spells again. Which with a higher will, could cost you some time. Other than bosses, you can try out everything you have to find what best works for you and your playstyle. Everyone will choose a different type they like and that is okay. Other Hunting Tactics: Mobs are very similar to our builds when it comes to AC and Will. There will be tank, common, and caster mobs. Tank mobs will have a higher AC and low will. Caster mobs have a higher will with low AC. Common mobs are pretty balanced. Knowing this, you will be able to identify these kind of mobs while hunting. In the beginning, you will most likely see common. For higher levels, there are areas that are better suited for soloing. As an example, Dubhaim Castle will be best for solo bashers. For casters, Astrid would be better. I think the best advice when solo hunting is to get fas and have a good set of belts and necklaces. I want to repeat this again... Void belt does not protect from all of the elements. I understand it is impractical to have a whole set of belts and necklaces and change them out every single time you move on. But we also get a chance to apply secondary defense and offensive elements, so you can find the best build for you. There are also races than can be immune to certain elemental damage. Elemental Bane (Half-elf) reduces elemental damage by 33%. There are so many ways to go about it, but I just want to get everyone to remember...a Void belt is not like a dark belt from Dark Ages . Also, it would be a great idea to carry potions with you. Lauren in Mileth and Gilath in Rionnag sell potions. You can get ard ioc deums from Mileth Altar as well. ​ ​ Hunting Basics Pirate Ship Lynith Sea House Macabre Cthonic Remains

  • Monk | May's Site

    Monk Well balanced through meditations and powerful with use of their chakras. Well known for their temporary invulnerability and an extremely powerful, yet health draining, strike. Take note, do not underestimate them when they are drunk! Skills Spells Monk Belts Sapphire Stream Skills Please see sapphire stream tab to learn how to receive skills with location: Sabonim Li. Spells Monk Meditations: Sapphire Stream I have heard of a place called Sapphire Stream, where monks come out wiser and with new skills. One day, I followed a monk in. Located in Eastern Woodlands' Enchanted Garden, we stumbled upon a small dirt patch (56,1). (You must be insight 20) We came across the Druid Circle, which contained tall stones and a relaxing stream that we decided to swim down (22,4) until we reached a cave in Sapphire Crest . A bit weary, we decided to look inside. Nothing but peace and beauty inside this cave. And there was Sabonim Xi who gave me a quest to obtain my first degree. Though tough, once completed, I returned and received my new belt. Upon more exploration, I discovered the Meditation Grove (7,15) where Sabonim Li sat meditating. He asked me to join in meditation and I learned a new skill once I found peace inside myself. I have been requested to come back in order to improve (levels 20, 40, 60, 80, 99, 110, 125, 200). Belts To earn these belts, please see Sapphire Stream tab.

  • IX: Smithing | May's Site

    NOTE: There are other maps you will find these ores, but these are the main areas currently pulled from the database. Oren City Pirates drop some raw ores!! ​ Double click on these to refine them. If you are successful, you will rank up in mining and receive a set amount of experience depending on the ore. Your mining success level will display on the popup when you double click any raw ore. Some raw ores will produce a flawless ruby or flawless sapphire! Mining ranks depend on how many successful refines (also seen in event tab): Novice (1-24) Apprentice (25-74) Journeyman (75-149) Expert (150-224) Artisan (225+) ​ Blacksmith In Loures Citadel, you will find Hiroshi (35,65) who will assist you in blacksmithing. To get to Loures Citadel: Loures castle way (1,6)--> Castle Barracks (1, 32) Citadel Bank Is located at (18,47) ​ Blacksmith Rank depend on successful upgrades also seen in event tab : Novice (1-24), Apprentice (25-74), Journeyman (75-149), Expert(150-224), Artisan (225+). The amount of successes are shown on the popup when you click Hiroshi. The more Luck you have, the better chance at success. ​ Here are the requirements for each enhancement of a weapon: ​ +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 Items needed to enhance weapon: Rank: Novice (1-24) Refined Talos x1, Refined Copper x1 Bonus: Adds 4% to damage min/max What you need to enhance to +2: Rank: Apprentice 25-74 Weapon needs to be +1 Refined Copper x2, Refined Hybrasyl x1, Refined Dark Iron x1 Bonus:+2 adds another 4% to damage min/max (8%) What you need to enhance to +3: Rank: Journeyman (75-149) Weapon needs to be +2 Refined Hybrasyl x3, Refined Dark Iron x2, Refined Cobalt Steel x1 Bonus:+ 3 adds another 4% to damage min/max (12%) What you need to enhance to +4: Rank: Expert (150-224) Weapon needs to be +3 Refined Hybrasyl x 3, Refined Dark Iron x3, Refined Cobalt Steel x2, Refined Obsidian x1 Bonus: + 4 adds another 4% to damage min/max (16%) What you need to enhance to +5: Rank: Artisan (225+) Weapon needs to be +4 Refined Dark Iron x3, Refined Cobalt Steel x3, Refined Obsidian x1, Flawless Ruby x1 Bonus: + 5 adds another 4% to damage min/max (20%) What you need to enhance to +6: Rank: ???? Weapon needs to be +5 Refined Cobalt Steel x3, Refined Obsidian x2, Flawless Ruby x1, Flawless Sapphire x1 Bonus: + 6 adds 5% to damage min/max (25%) Costs for each upgrade depends on the quality of the weapon: Damaged: 1,000 Common: 5,000 Uncommon: 7,500 Rare: 15,000 Epic: 30,000 Legendary: 50,000 Forsaken: 100,000 Mythic: 300,000 ​ Combo scrolls Combo scrolls can also be made at the blacksmith. You will need parchment paper from Gilath in Rionnag Apothecary. Apprentice: Basic Combo scroll holds 3 skills Journeyman: Advanced Combo Scroll holds 5 skills Expert: Enhanced Combo Scroll holds 7 skills Artisan: Enchanted Combo Scroll holds 10 skills Mining Collect these ores in different hunting areas: WildFlowers Collect these flowers in different hunting areas: These wildflowers have certain uses when you consume them. Just be careful since some could have a negative effect. Wildflowers are also used in armor smithing, so it would be a good idea to start collecting them early on. Armor Smith In Loures Citadel, you will find Tomayi next to the blacksmith, Hiroshi. Tomayi, will be assisting you in armor smith. Foutrai can also assist in advanced armor smith in CR31 Advanced Camp. You will need to find an Ancient Armor Codex from hidden treasure and transcribe it with the help of Tomayi for Expert armor smith tiers. Armor smithing ranks will be based on your successes: Novice (1-35), Apprentice (36-110), Journeyman (111-180), Expert (181-250), Artisan (251+)The amount of successes will be shown on the popup after clicking any armorsmith. These are the requirements and buffs for each tier of armor smith: Copper Iron Steel Forged Elven Dwarven Mythril Hybrasyl Moonstone Sunstone Ebony Runic Requirements: Rank: Novice Items: 3x Refined Copper, 5x Reict Weed, 6x Bee Wax Armor 1,000 gold Bonus: +1 AC +5dmg ​ Requirements: Rank: Novice Items: 3x Refined Dark Iron, 3x Reict Weed, 6x Raw Wax Copper Armor 5,000 gold Bonus: +2 AC +10dmg +2500hp +2500mp ​ Requirements: Rank: Apprentice Items: 2x Refined Dark Iron, 2x Refined Cobalt Steel, 3x Bocan Branch, 5x Scorpion Venom Iron Armor 15,000 gold Bonus: +3AC +15dmg +5000hp +2500mp Requirements: Rank: Apprentice Items: 4x Refined Dark Iron, 4x Refined Cobalt Steel, 2x Scorpion Venom, 3x Spore Sac Steel Armor 59,000 gold Bonus: +4AC +25dmg +7000hp +2500mp Requirements: Rank: Apprentice Items: 10x Refined Talos, 6x Prahed Bellis, 25x Wisp Dust Forged Armor 210,000 gold Bonus: +5AC +25dmg +4000hp +7000mp Requirements: Rank: Journeyman Items: 6x Refined Cobalt Steel, 3x Refined Hybrasyl, 9x Wraith Blood Elven Armor 300,000 gold Bonus: +6AC +30dmg +6000hp +6000mp Requirements: Rank: Journeyman Items: 6x Refined Talos 5x Refined Copper 25x Fairy Wing 8x Nautilus Shell Dwarven Armor 570,000 gold Bonus: +7AC +35dmg +6500hp +8000mp Requirements: Rank: Journeyman Items: 10x Refined Hybrasyl, 6x Aiten Bloom, 8x Sea Twine, 6x Spiked Nautilus Shell Mythril Armor 900,000 gold Bonus: +8AC +40dmg +8000hp +8000mp Requirements: Rank: Expert Items: 5x Refined Cobalt Steel 4x Refined Obsidian 10x Ancient Bones 7x Fairy Wing 1,800,000 gold Hybrasyl Armor Bonus: +9AC +45dmg +12500hp +15000mp Requirements: Rank: Expert Items: 10x Refined Cobalt Steel 8x Refined Obsidian 2x Flawless Ruby 3x Captured Golden Floppy 12,000,000 gold Moonstone Armor Bonus: +10AC +50dmg +17000hp +15000mp Requirements: Rank: Expert Items: 15x Refined Obsidian 10x Refined Dark Iron 2x Flawless Ruby 2x Flawless Sapphire 20,000,000 gold Sunstone Armor Bonus: +11AC +55dmg +25000hp +25000mp Requirements: Rank: Expert? Items: 20x Refined Obsidian Steel 1x Omega Module 5x Flawless Ruby 5x Flawless Sapphire 43,000,000 gold Ebony Armor Bonus: +12AC +60dmg +35000hp +35000mp

  • Lynith Pirate Ship | May's Site

    Pirate Ship Yo ho! Hoist the colors high! Work on those sea legs. Located in South Lynith Beach is the old ship pirates used to invade Oren City. Beware! Pirates are still on the ship with their Captains. Might throw you in the brig! But I am sure you can find something while you're there to match in.

  • Weapons & Shields | May's Site

    Weapons & Shields Complete list of all weapons in Zolian with locations, drops, and price. Make sure to pay attention to the class and wield type columns. If you are a monk or defender, you can use 2hand weapons. Most of them are only defender, but there are still 2hand weapons for all classes. If the wield type says Main Hand Only, that means they will only be equipped to the main hand. "Can Dual Wield" means they can go in main and off-hand for dual wielding. You cannot dual wield a 2hand weapon. There are also 2handed staves! So make sure you learn Advanced Staff Training in order to wield. Many staves and wands are main hand, so you can equip a dual wield weapon in off-hand. Bows are also main hand so you can equip something like a dagger or even a sword in your off-hand. They go by level, however you can search for a class, spell lines, certain stats, wield type (main, dual, or 2hand) or a specific weapon. This list is always growing, so be sure to check back often. Weapons Mileth Altar Weapons Shields

  • Sharpshooter | May's Site

    Sharpshooter Requirements: Master-level 450 Can be any dual class of Berserker, Monk, Assassin, and Defender. 6 Adventures Guild Reputation ​ Once you have completed the requirements, talk to Dennis at the Voidsphere Camp. More information to come

  • VIII: Quests | May's Site

    Quests Quests give the lore of the land. The history of you and I can be uncovered. Reputation will be claimed when you complete them. Underlined quests have a separate story page. If you need help, reach out on Discord general chat or in game through world shout. You can always message me directly (Discord and ign: May). Happy Questing! Level 20-40 Quests Level 41-70 Quests Level 71-99 Quests Level 100+ Quests Terror of the Crypt lvl 20+ +1 Mileth reputation Nightmare of the Crypt lvl 41+ +1 Mileth Reputation Grotesque Nightmare of the Crypt lvl 80+ +1 Mileth reputation Necra Scribblings and Artur's Gift lvl 120+ +3 Loures and +1 Mileth reputation Level 1-19 Quests Master+ Quests A Nights Rest - Let Camille in Mileth Inn know how your stay was. +1 Mileth reputation Meaded Problems - Pete next to Mileth Inn might need some help with the mice. +1 Mileth reputation Mining and Blacksmithing A Warrior's Trial - lvl 3+ (Defender or Berserker only) Neal's Kill Quest with a skill reward of Aid for Berserker or Rescue for Defender. Mischievous Deeds - lvl 6+ (Assassin only) Keela's Kill Quest Darker Things - lvl 23+ Dar's Requests for ingredients continue +1 Mileth reputation Lost Spirit - lvl 30+ Santa has lost the Christmas Spirit! Reward: Dia Aite and Santa's Pileus Vixen's Scheme - lvl 30+ Santa's elves need help with these reindeer! Reward: Santa's Beard Things that go bump in the Twilight - lvl 34+ One last ingredient to help Dar +1 Mileth Reputation Hidden Paths - lvl 30+ (Assassin only) Keela needs you to find the hidden store in Abel and bring back some notes. Reward: Sneak Skill What the Farquat? - Lvl 41+ Shreek will not let anyone enter Mehadi Swamp. But maybe Donkan can help you befriend him! Advanced training - lvl 50+ (Defender or Berserker only) Neal's kill quest Reward: skill Lullaby Strike for Berserker or Raise Threat for Defender. Detrimental Exploits - lvl 71+ (Assassin only) Keela's kill quest Reward: skill Shadow Step Turbulent Combat - lvl 80+ (Defender or Berserker only) Neal's kill quest Reward: skill Desolate for Berserker or Defensive Stance for Defender. Warrior's Discipline - (all classes can complete) Lau's kill quest. Reward: skill Retribution for Berserker or Vampiric Slash for Defender. All other classes will just get the EXP and legend mark. Lau is located in Abel. Dream Walker +1 Mileth reputation Yule Revenge - lvl 290+ The Yeti is up to no good! Stop him then talk to Salena! Hoist the Colors - lvl 220+ Isaias will now ask you to collect items to make something useful for you! A Day at Sea - lvl 190+ Found an interesting drop from a pirate? Bring it to Isaias in Rionnag Harbor to start the quests. Eternal Love - lvl 30+ Eireann has a friend who lost their lover. +1 Mileth, Undine, and Loures reputation Dark Things - Dar requests you bring him strange ingredients. Draconic Omega- lvl 400+ Talk to Ethos Prime in Voidsphere Camp about Omega's vibrational pull. Void Cleric- lvl 400+ Talk to Helnnis about cleansing the Cthonic Depths of this creature! +1 Adventures Guild reputation Adventures Guild quests - Hellnis is located at Adventurer's Advanced Camp (CR31) Kill quests +1 Adventures Guild reputation for each Gathering quests +1 Adventures Guild reputation for each Ancient Armor Codex - Once you get a hold of the Ancient Armor Codex, be sure to talk to Tomayi in Loures Citadel to translate it. +1 Loures reputation Crafting Rouel's Armor - Bring the items you were gifted from Eternal Love quest to the armorsmith in Adventurer's Guild camp to craft Rouel's Armor. +1 Loures Reputation

  • North Pole | May's Site

    North Pole Travel northbound through Cascading Falls and you will find a place covered in snow and cheer! With bright lights, presents, music, and even the chance to meet SANTA! I hear he is in need of your help, as well as his elves. Better check in on them. However, deeper into this mountain, you will come across Ice Caverns that are not for the faint of heart. Salena (mundane) will be at the entrance of the Ice Caverns selling many useful goods for your journey deep into the caves. If you end up defeating the boss at the end of the caverns, make sure you return to Salena and tell her about it! (Yule Revenge) Hunting areas here are split up into different sections for levels: Mount Merry 1 through 4-2 can be hunting from level 30 until around 150. Mount Merry 4-3 can be hunted from 250 until around 360. ​

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