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Advanced Stats Panel

Information from this page can also be found directly in game in the item Zolian Guide. There is more info in that guide for basics so please check it out!  

The advanced stats panel will become your new friend. Once you hit insight 255 and stats hit 255, you will need to open this panel to check your insight and stats. 










Pressing F1 will show this extra information:

  • Map#: This correlates to your current .map file in your installation folder

  • Insight: Your players level

  • Rank: Your players advanced level 

  • Latency: Connection speed/quality to the server, round-trip ping is calculated.

  • Base Stats: These are your ungeared stats

  • Gear Stats: These are the stats granted by your equipped items.

  • Full Stats:  These are your geared stats (Base + Gear)


  • DMG: Boost to dps output after Armor is calculated.

  • Amp: Your elemental offenses and defenses are multiplied by the value. (Affected by fas)

  • Support/Secondary Offense: This is your secondary equipped element for offense (such as crystals/orbs. Atlantean weapon element shows here.)



  • AC (Armor Class): Mitigation is 1% per point. Obtained from armor and dex.

  • Regen: Strength of health and mana regeneration. Obtained from armor.

  • Support/secondary Defense: This is your secondary equipped element for defense. Obtained from shields and wrapped jugs. 

Exp Boxed: Exp you have gained is no longer limited to about 4.3b exp. Instead of checked the box on your "g" panel, check F1 for your accurate amount.


Saving Throws:

  • Fortitude: Is the percentage of hits you take that are mitigated by 33% (10% of con)

  • Reflex: Is the percentage of physical attacks you completely dodge and receive no damage. Increases with armor only.  Reflex replaces hit. Obtained from armor.

  • Will: Is the percentage of magical attacks you mitigate and reduce their effectiveness. Increases with armor only. Will replaces MR. Obtained from armor. 

Enhancements: These are various equipment enhancements which grant you bonuses or effects (such as bleeding or spikes).​

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