I awoke from a dream with sweat on my brow,
A nightmare that stuck to reality somehow.
I feel Tagor has gained even more unrest,
I felt something calling so I get dressed.
Tout guides me to where the ground is tilth,
but past that I discover a forest of filth.
Shadows chase and bloody trees roam,
I take time to jot this down in my tome.
A ghostly house and werewolves that howl,
In the air I sense darker things on the prowl.
I sat in the pew at this abandoned church,
I hear a mumbling that sends me to search.
Past rubble stands a lich I thought was of hearsay
I realize Gigean was not here to pray.
"Secrets of the dark have now been set free!"
I watch in awe as he points a finger to me.
"Arise arise! Buried heroes of the past
your only desire now is to do what I asked.
Elysium was never a place for you,
Hades can't comprehend what I do!
A corpse is all I need to succeed
I control those that do not bleed.
Join me by giving them a second chance,
together we will sing for their macabre dance."
The earth crumbled and moans grew loud
the smell of dirt and suddenly a crowd.
I fled to Loures to speak of this news
The dead have no mercy, so what will you choose?

Zolian news:
Sleepy ol' Carn has finally risen from his slumber in Adventurer's Guild Advanced Camp. If you catch him awake he has some pricey buffs to offer. Dia Haste, experience boost x2, and experience boost x3. If you have enough guild points and gold, you could choose all 3. But ONLY if Carn is awake. Hurry before he goes back to sleep!
"Till next level" experience curve has been adjusted for post 99 levels.
Thanks to some hoarder, the banks have made an adjustment. Everything that is bundled (enemy, flowers, gems, etc.) will now be in a separate option from single items. You'll see next time you visit your closest bank!
Poor Tagor is surrounded by terrible dungeons. Filth Forest has been discovered and is now open to any adventurer lvl 250+.
Two shiny new rings and a comfy cloak have been discovered in Filth Forest. Better get that cloak in preparation for cold weather!
GIGEAN HAS BEEN DISCOVERED! He has been experimenting on the dead! Now he believes the dark art of Necromancy should be learned by any caster. Found deep in Filth Forest, he can convert you to a Necromancer and teach your many EXCITING spells. Let the undead do the killing!
Dennis in Voidsphere Camp has ranged attacks and spells to teach Sharpshooters!
After a long meditation, Nareth in Druid Circle is ready to teach his Shaolin Monk students about the snake, crane, tiger, and dragon.
The debuff Blind will no longer halt movement on mobs. It will reduce their hit chance by 25%.
Updates to site:
Many changes to jobs with added skills/spells.
Rings added
Hallowed Cloak added
Eireann's rumors updated for Carn.
Filth Forest added to hunting page.
Added starting levels for areas on the hunting page.
The time has come for jobs! There are 3 so far with skills and spells. And they are VERY impressive and very strong. So much more to come so keep an eye out.
I am so glad to see so many people back on Zolian! Remember, once you get access to the Advanced Camp in CR, complete some quests for Helnnis and save up some gold, you will be able to cast nice buffs on your group. Everyone MUST be on the map with Carn and grouped with whoever buys the buffs to receive them. You may also be able to catch a sweet exp boost from Death! You never know.
Filth forest is a hunting area for those starting at 250 and also leads to Gigean. There is a special map where the ghosts are 500. Those drop a special ring you might like after picking a job. Please let me know if you see any errors on the site or have any questions.
Feel free to reach out in game. I am mostly on May or Emerald currently. Or you can world shout using "!enter to reach out to anyone logged in!
-There is also a Hallow's Treat game happening on Zolian Discord. Claim a box for some candy!!
I'LL SEE YOU AROUND! Don't let the shadows catch up!
HAPPY 4th BIRTHDAY ZOLIAN!!! (October 22)
P.S I hope you enjoy the button gifs I made for Necromancer, Sharpshooter, and Shaolin Monk on the classes/jobs page. You might even recognize one in game! More to come.
