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Master Quests

I have grouped the quests Necra Scribblings and Artur's Gift together since most likely, you will do one right after the other. However, there is no time limit, so please take your time as the road can get a bit dark and scary. Both quests can also be viewed in the event tab and you will get a legend mark for each as well as for Mastering. Please know that you should be 120 and dual classed to start the quests. You can start a bit before since you will most likely level a bit, but it can also be dangerous.

If you are already level 120, you can talk to Artur to get Dia Aite. Or you can also get Dia Aite from Santa, if you have finished his quest. You do not need to talk to Artur to start the Necra Scribblings quest. BUT you will need to talk to him BEFORE heading to Tagor Dungeon/Necropolis! If you are going solo, I recommend bringing antidotes, eyedrops, ard ioc deums, and elemental essences.​​ And please reach out on discord if you need a rescue or would like company! 
Let us begin....

Necra Scribblings

Deep down in the crypt there is a tree:

Todesbaum who longs to be free.

Waiting quietly in the mourning room:

below the floor of the last royal tomb.

This tree of death holds a "key",

Not to be confused with the royal decree.

A book, for exchange, is what he will accept
With bloody robes, the lich lord knows where it is kept

Hunt this lich until what you hold is bound,

talk to Todesbaum, throw him the scribblings you have found.

After the storm, he seems to unravel...

Deeper now into Necropolis you can travel.

Artur's Gift

The mysterious Artur in Mileth Inn has a request for those at insight 120 who feel they are ready to master. After giving you access to Tagor's Necropolis entrance, you must travel deep into the dungeon to find what he requests. If you haven't seen Todesbaum before you head to Tagor, you won't make it far. There are lexicons of 6 different colors held by the demon orphans of the graveyard. The lexicons you will need to find is of a certain color depending on your class. The color will match the class color in this guide. These books are bound to you and you cannot trade them or put them down. You can bank them, but can have only one of each in your possession. If you find you have grabbed what you don't need, you can see if a beggar will take it. 

Cleric: White      Monk: Brown       Defender: Blue       Assassin: Black        Berserker: Red     Arcanus: Green

Bring the lexicon back to Artur and don't leave until you receive your gift!

necra scribblings_edited.png
necra scribblings_edited.png
Zerker lexicon_edited.png
Monk Lexicon_edited.png
Defender Lexicon_edited.png
Sarnath Orphan_edited.png
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