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  • Master Quest | May's Site

    Master Quests I have grouped the quests Necra Scribblings and Artur's Gift together since most likely, you will do one right after the other. However, there is no time limit, so please take your time as the road can get a bit dark and scary. Both quests can also be viewed in the event tab and you will get a legend mark for each as well as for Mastering. Please know that you should be 120 and dual classed to start the quests. You can start a bit before since you will most likely level a bit, but it can also be dangerous. If you are already level 120, you can talk to Artur to get Dia Aite. Or you can also get Dia Aite from Santa, if you have finished his quest. You do not need to talk to Artur to start the Necra Scribblings quest. BUT you will need to talk to him BEFORE heading to Tagor Dungeon/Necropolis! If you are going solo, I recommend bringing antidotes, eyedrops, ard ioc deums, and elemental essences.​​ And please reach out on discord if you need a rescue or would like company! Let us begin.... Necra Scrib b lings Deep down in the crypt there is a tree: Todesbaum who longs to be free. Waiting quietly in the mourning room : ​ below the floor of the last royal tomb . This tree of death holds a "key", Not to be confused with the royal decree . A book, for exchange, is what he will accept With bloody robes, the lich lord knows where it is kept Hunt this lich until what you hold is bound , talk to Todesbaum , throw him the scribblings you have found. After the storm, he seems to unravel... Deeper now into Necropolis you can travel. ​ Artur's Gift ​ The mysterious Artur in Mileth Inn has a request for those at insight 120 who feel they are ready to master. After giving you access to Tagor's Necropolis entrance, you must travel deep into the dungeon to find what he requests. If you haven't seen Todesbaum before you head to Tagor, you won't make it far. There are lexicons of 6 different colors held by the demon orphans of the graveyard. The lexicons you will need to find is of a certain color depending on your class. The color will match the class color in this guide. These books are bound to you and you cannot trade them or put them down. You can bank them, but can have only one of each in your possession. If you find you have grabbed what you don't need, you can see if a beggar will take it. Cleric: White Monk: Brown Defender: Blue Assassin: Black Berserker: Red Arcanus: Green ​ ​ Bring the lexicon back to Artur and don't leave until you receive your gift!

  • Berserker | May's Site

    Berserker Skills Spells Spells Skills Skilled in dual wield and trained with one of the best armor breaking skills. This class can be seen as reckless with lack of defense. But when they start seeing red , they could cut down the mob before defensive measures are ever needed.

  • Astrid | May's Site

    Astrid South of Suomi, you will find the popular fields of Astrid. There are special monsters who may look familiar, but some looks are deceiving. Word of advice: Watch where you step! And careful wandering around the Center. If you feel some burning you should probably escape. NEW: Front Lines added to bottom of page. Astrid is best for levels 75 until around level 130 when the exp starts to drop off. Front Lines The scene of a brutal war, and the end of a hero's life. Next to Astrid, you will find the front lines, where the Great Goblin War happened and many lives were lost. A bit of goblins are roaming this field still, but you might find things from the past lying around on this field. Quest associated with this map is Eternal Love.

  • Samurai | May's Site

    Samurai Requirements: Master-Level 250 Dual class Defender and Monk or Monk and Defender 7 Mileth Reputation 5 Loures Reputation Moonstone Ancient War plate or Moonstone Ancient War Sheath armor in inventory. ​ Once you meet the requirements, head to Sir Grey in Loures Castle throne room. More information to come.

  • Accessories | May's Site

    Accessories Earrings Rings Necklace Belts Boots Greaves Gauntlets Earrings Rings Boots Greaves Necklaces Belts Gauntlets

  • Shaolin Monk | May's Site

    Shaolin Monk Requirements: Master-Level 325 Any dual class with Monk 5 Mileth Reputation Black Belt degree White, yellow, orange, green, purple, blue, brown, red, and black belts in inventory. ​ Once you are ready and meet the requirements, talk to Nareth in Druid Circle just before the Sapphire Stream. You will need to turn in all your belts for your Multi-colored Zen Beads.

  • Terror Quests | May's Site

    Terrors of the Crypt There is a beggar who frequents the Tavern whispering "spare some change?" to anyone who looks his way. Have you actually sat down to talk to him? Senan, poor Senan. Seems as if he has worries greater than gold. Recently, Senan has told me he finds "cozy" places to rest his head in the crypt, far from any monster or Aisling. Every once in awhile, he talks about a monster plaguing him. Haunting him. Terrorizing him in his sleep . I did assume it was just crazy talk about dreams and hallucinations. I mean the man gets drunk and finds the crypt to be cozy! But have you heard the groans echoing the crypt recently? Maybe he isn't crazy after all... We must investigate further. Senan cannot fight this alone, so let's help him if you are up for it! I mean why not? You'll gain experience along the way. You hunt in the crypt already. Plus, once the terror ceases, Senan will speak of your heroic actions to everyone in Mileth and you'll gain some reputation . You may even find out an old friend can help you, or maybe you can help him. ​ Be a Hero End the terror Good luck! Oh, and please check on him every once in awhile just incase these nightmares grow...

  • Arcanus | May's Site

    Arcanus Best known for mastering the elements with magic and skill. Has the ability to amplify elemental damage of whoever they wish. They are also able to silence an enemy from talking or casting. One spell is quite impressive, attacking anything they can see with terror all at once. ​ Spells Skills Crystals & Orbs Spells Skills Crystals & Orbs

  • VI: Elements | May's Site

    Elements of Zolian Thanks to Alvino for the elemental table! Elements in Zolian are different from what you might remember. There is no dark or light. And three new elements are added: Rage, Sorrow, and Terror. Hunting and the elements: Monsters will have offensive (attack) elements and defensive elements just the same as you. How these react is shown in the table above. Each table shows a different tier of fas and as you can see, fas really amplifies your damage. So be sure to fas yourself. Fas only works as a buff, so do not fas monsters! When reading the table, the far left column shows attack element. The top row shows the defense element. Where they intersect is how the damage is amplified. Green is less damaging whereas red is the highest. As you can see, any belt is better than no belt. But, as soon as you start hunting you will be finding belts. Belts are important part of your defense! And necklaces are a huge part of your attack damage. Please understand that Void will not be the best/easiest/all-around belt choice for defense!!! Water and wind are also strong elements against void. You can get one shot from becoming dependent on void belts!!! This isn't Dark Ages. There will be time when you come across a mob with an attack element of Rage, Sorrow, or Terror. Since we do not have belts of Rage, Sorrow, or Terror, you need to check the element table to find your best belt. For rage attack, you can use either Holy or Void; Sorrow attacks, use Holy; Terror, use Void. Secondary defense element will also help a bit, and you can get these from things such as shields or the cleric's jugs. Your secondary defense will show on F1 panel. This way you can mix and match. For example: If you have a void belt, your defense will be void. You can equip a Wrapped Gust Jug (Cleric) or a Shield of Gust aswell for a bit of protection from Wind attacks. Like I said before, wind is also a bit strong against Void, so using a secondary defense of wind can help when you are attacked by wind. Certain races are also immune to certain elements. Elemental bane (Half-elf) mitigates elemental damage by 33%. For their defensive elements, you want to use an attack that will do the most damage. This means necklaces and of course elemental spells. So if you come across a monster with defense element of water, you will want to use an earth attack/necklace. Same as their attack elements, we will see mobs with a defense element of Rage, Sorrow, or Terror and we don't have necklaces for them. For Rage use Holy attacks; Sorrow use Void; and Terror, use either Holy or Void. Arcanus spell MSPG is a Terror attack and is weakest against Void, Rage, and Terror defenses! If you wanted to increase MSPG damage, then try equipping a holy orb. Secondary offense elements are obtainable from Arcanus orbs, Atlantean weapon (half-elf ability), quivers, certain weapons, and more. Secondary offense element will also show on F1 panel. On a side note: When you get a weapon with an elemental variance at the end such as "of flame" or "of dusk", it does not act as a secondary attack element. What happens is, the piece of gear has a chance to proc (programmed random occurrence) the variance onto the target being hit. So, for example, if I equip a Dragon Slayer of Flame, and start hitting a mob, there will be a chance the main hand or off hand or both (whichever hand it is in) will cast a fire attack. Shield variances are different. If you were to equip a Floga Bronze Shield of Gust, your secondary defense element will be fire (Floga) and the shield will be able to proc a wind attack (Gust). You can see the different types of shield variances at the bottom of the page here . ​

  • Dubhaim | May's Site

    Dubhaim Behind the docks of Rucession lies the darkest castle in Temuair: Dubhaim. This castle has the temple where Sgrios followers went for worship. And thought the temple may be empty, the fiends still crawl through castle. You can find the dark maze entry located in Dub West 6-1.

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